Swimming On Your Period: Can You Go For It?
We've all had a plan ruined by an untimely surprise visit from Aunt Flo the day before, however, if it's a beach or pool day, you may want to think twice about canceling your trip. While you may feel discouraged from swimming due to your period's sudden arrival, the truth
Period Tips: How To Feel Better
No woman in the world ever looks forward to her period and for good reason. Your period seems to make your body work against yourself, your hormones are an absolute mess. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) doesn't make this any better either. SNUCS has got your back, follow these period tips that'll
6 Sanitary Napkin Rules Every Woman Should Know
Sanitary napkins are the bestselling period products in the American market, indicating their popularity in the States. However, before you peel open that sanitary napkin, it's time to learn about the unwritten rules about using pads that all women should know and follow faithfully.
5 Signs Your Period Is About To Start
Periods are unpredictable because Aunt Flo loves making surprise visits. The better we can anticipate our periods, the more effectively we can plan our schedules around them. Thankfully, our bodies tend to give us little hints of our period's imminent arrival. Such signs of a period coming can encourage us